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    Blend Colours Pvt. Ltd.

    Plot # 35, Ida Kattedan


    +91 40 24361499, +91 9885 011883

    Blend Colours manufactures Single Pigment Concentrates -SPC’s which contain high loadings of organic and inorganic pigments. These Single Pigment Concentrates are fully dispersed using high quality additives, to ensure optimum colour and cost efficiencies. The excellent pigment dispersion ensures quick and homogenous dispersion of the colour in the chosen polymer imparting maximum colour strength and consistent colour reproducibility. As a result no further dispersion is required which minimizes processing costs. Single Pigment Concentrates – SPC’s are available In various resin such as: PET / PBT/ PP / PE. Application areas: Compounding/Masterbatches: They can be used as a replacement of powder pigments, providing a dust free solution and easier handling Fibers for Textiles, carpets, and upholstery - A manufacturer can make any combination of two or more concentrates and produce an exclusive range of his colours. And many other applications Advantages of our SPC’s High colour strength Excellent dispersion, with low FPV values Dust Free Environment lot-to-lot consistent quality of end product

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